Wednesday, 22 January 2014


anti-gay bill

The issue this essay will address is one that requires no flowery introductions. On the 7th of January, the Nigerian presidency signed into law a bill which comprehensively criminalized homosexual unions, acts and sympathies. For the purpose of the law, ‘civil union’ included homosexual adult independent relationships, caring partnerships, civil partnerships among others. The overwhelming majority of Nigerians who have applauded this law did on various grounds which I have summed up thus: culture, religion and public choice. I do not agree with this majority. And I will justify my deference by logically and systematically attacking these bases in order to prove that this law is: first, a clamor for public support and patronage and second, a prejudiced attempt by a powerful majority to oppress a minority.
The presidential spokesman, Reuben Abati said about the act of homosexualism, “…it is not our culture…” and millions of Nigerians echoed in agreement. What is culture? If memory serves correctly, it is simply the totality of a people’s way of life, key word being totality, not majority. My social studies class also taught me that culture is diverse and changes with respect to people, place and time; true to this, the numerous Nigerian cultures have undergone transitions. Christianity, health care, education and technology are all additions to the Nigerian cultures in response to the demands of the three referrals listed above – people, place and time. And more additions occur as these referrals continue to transform daily. Where then, lay the boundaries defining ‘our culture’ as a nation?